The Importance of a Safe Father’s Day

Whether you are a first-time dad, an adopting father, a first-time grandfather, uncle, brother or son, if a new child has entered your life, be ready to think differently.  This is the time as an adult when you learn to put the safety and protection of a child above your own preferences.

Traditionally, fathers have been excluded from the dialogue about safety issues for their children, letting mothers and other females worry about the details.  However, a growing number of dads are now staying home to care for their babies or are being left in charge while the moms address other issues.

This audience of males needs to be engaged now more than ever.  Men in our communities can really make a difference in protecting children from unintentional injuries and we are here to help you understand how.

Babies are safest when everyone in the household knows how to care for them. That includes feeding, bathing, safe play time, administering infant / child CPR, medications, and creating a safe environment. Thinking you will automatically react to a risk correctly is incorrect. The curiosity of a child is a powerful force and they move at rapid speeds to explore their new world. Adults cannot anticipate the risks a child is exposed to without additional training.

Also, the important role men have in teaching other men ways to reduce the risk of serious childhood injury and infant fatalities should be reviewed and discussed.  Child Proof Advice at provides important details and directs fathers to websites like the following:

National Center for Fathering

Boot Camp for New Dads

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