Enjoy visiting our team members as you get to know the wonderful people who care so much about your children and child safety, they commit hours of precious personal time to support us and families everywhere.

With their help, Child Proof Advice continues “Empowering Through Education to Improve Child Safety”  and caring for the children who need us the most.


“You make a living by what you get; you make a life by what you give.”

Winston Churchill, British World Leader


Our Team


President and CEO (open position)



Marjorie Wrenn, B.S., Founding Member and Board Member at Large



Director of Donor and Sponsor Development (open position)



Peggy Kuhlmann, B.S., Senior Accountant 



Director of Grant Research (open position)



Senior SEO and eCommerce Manager (open position)



Rick Loftus, MBA, Senior Safety Guide Editor








“You must be the change you want to see in the world.”

Mahatma Gandhi

Empowering Through Education to Improve Child Safety