Do you know how to operate a fire extinguisher in an emergency? You don’t want to be struggling to get the pin to release while your kitchen is ablaze….practice, practice practice:
Pull Pin, Aim, Squeeze Handle, Sweep Area
The P-A-S-S technique for fire extinguisher use:
P - Pull the pin. It is there to prevent accidental discharge.
A - Aim low at the base of the fire. This is the where the fuel source is.
S - Squeeze the lever above the handle. Release to stop the flow.
(Some extinguishers have a button instead of a lever)
S - Sweep from side to side. Move toward the fire, aiming low at its base. Sweep until all flames are extinguished. Watch for re-igniting. Repeat as necessary. Have site inspected by fire department.
Link to P.A.S.S. Training: