Stats from Nationwide


CHILD PROOF ADVICE       “Give the Gift of Safety”

 a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization            

The #1 cause of childhood deaths is accidental injury

…that’s more than the next three causes combined

1 Child

Every hour, one child dies from a preventable injury

1 in 5

1 in 5 child deaths is due to injury

4 Seconds

Every 4 seconds, a child is treated for an injury in an Emergency Room

  • 72%

Of parents are not aware that accidental injuries are the leading cause of the deaths of children

  • 39%

Only 39% of parents are concerned about injuries happening in their homes; most are concerned with parks and playgrounds

  • 37%

Only 37% of parents believe they could do a better job of keeping their children safe


Nationwide Insurance Preventable Injury Survey 2014 with Parents, Beltway Influencers and Business Executives

National Vital Statistics System from the National Center for Health Statistics, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; accessed through WISQARS. 2009, United States, All Races, Both Sexes, Children 1-19

Empowering Through Education to Improve Child Safety

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