Child Proof Advice [a non-profit 501(c)(3)]
Thank you for selecting the Child Proof Advice safety training for all child care providers.
The Child Proof Advice child care training program is designed as a Do-It-Yourself approach to child proofing your home to assist parents of all economic circumstances with this important precaution.
The best time to child proof is before a new baby arrives. Why?
This is what most new parents don’t understand, but it is because it takes about six months for an adult to learn new habits. New habits include putting a handbag with medicines in a closet, removing toothpaste and mouthwash from the bathroom counter, locking cabinets and drawers, and ensuring your loving pet does not put a new child at risk.
It’s also the best time for parents-to-be to focus on child safety instead of after a new baby arrives and life becomes chaotic.
The Child Proof Advice Safety Guide E-Book, with 43 chapters and 80 pages, provides extensive assistance with child proofing a home. It includes a Room by Room Checklist of 160+ recommendations walking you through an entire home sharing tasks and general information to improve the safety of your home. Infant CPR instructions, a list of poisonous products and plants, a medicine cabinet checklist and more assist you all along the way in protecting your most valuable asset…your child.
For the children you are protecting, we thank you…
Child Proof Advice Safety Guide
(Second Edition)
Table of Contents:
About Child Proof Advice (a non-profit 501(c)(3)
Why Child Proof?
When to Childproof
A Quiz – What Do You Really Know?
Top Injuries in the Home
Child Safety in the Home
Baby Development by Month
How Serious is Child Safety?
Statistically Speaking
Child Safety Legislation
Recommended Child Proofing Products
Father’s Expertise with Child Care
Safe Sleep - SIDS
Baby Scalded
Room by Room Safety Checklist (160+ Safety Recommendations)
In the Kitchen
In the Nursery
Swaddling Tips
In the Bathroom
In the Living Room
On the Deck or Patio and In the Garage
About Child Safety Gates
Travel Safety with Toddlers
List of Items That Can Choke a Child
Choking First Aid Instructions
Infant CPR First Aid Instructions
Near Drowning in a Community Pool
House and Garden Plants; Poisonous and Non-Poisonous
Poison Prevention
Poison First Aid
Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
Look-A-Like Products
Why Use a Medical Authorization Power of Attorney
Medical Authorization Power of Attorney
Medicine Cabinet Checklist
Emergency Telephone List.
Fire Safety and Fire Extinguisher Use
Super Sitter Tips
Safety and Parenting Resources
Liability Limitations
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