Power of Attorney

A Medical Authorization Power of Attorney is a notarized legal document enabling child care providers to authorize medical care for a child when parents are not immediately available. A Medical Authorization Power of Attorney should be kept with a child at all times. It is also recommended a copy be kept in the vehicle of care providers so it is always readily available.

A child care facility uses a comparable document as part of the registration process when a child first arrives, but other child care providers would not be able to authorize medical treatment without this document properly notarized and presented (yes, that includes grandparents, too).

Medical personnel can stabilize a child, but not offer treatment for an injury until parents arrive or a Medical Authorization is presented.

Also, be sure to keep a copy at home and tell all child care providers where it is. Better still, place it with their personal belongings when they arrive, so if there is an accident, no time will be lost in getting proper care for a child.

Many bank officer’s can notarize a Medical Authorization Power of Attorney, and any document, at no cost to you.

Find this document in our online Child Proof Advice Safety Guide E-Book at childproofadvice.org/safetyproducts