The Importance of Keeping Your Child Safe in Your Home

When parents think about child safety there are many things that come to mind such as ensuring they wear helmets when riding a bike, seatbelts when in the car, etc.

The truth is, child safety begins at home, where families spend the most time. This is why it’s so important to take preventative measures to ensure your home is childproof and does not pose unnecessary risks to your children.

While you may feel your home is generally a safe place, from the perspective of a child or infant, there are actually many unexpected dangers. 

Without safety measures in place, ordinary objects become high risk items that can seriously injure your child. reports that unintentional injuries to children are the leading cause of death for children ages 1 to 4.  Additionally, nonfatal injuries contribute to the causes of child disability and a reduced quality of life.

Furthermore, the CDC reports that unintentional injuries like those caused by burns, drowning, poisoning and falls are the leading cause of morbidity and mortality among children. 

Each year, more than 12,000 children under the age of 19 die from unintentional injuries and more than 9.2 million are treated in emergency departments for nonfatal injuries.

Child Proof Advice encourages you to focus on preventing injuries with the installation of safety equipment such as the items found on our website at

If you know someone who is expecting or just had a baby, consider our gift basket to help them get started with child proofing.

It should be priority one before or just after a baby is born. Adults take months to learn new habits that will protect their children correctly.

Waiting until the child is crawling is not the appropriate time to child proof.

For the children you are protecting, we thank you…

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