Empowering Through Education to Improve Child Safety

An Accident Waiting to Happen

They run, they play and quick as a wink, they are in your cleaning supplies or medicine cabinet.
Child Proof Advice is a non-profit organization dedicated to teaching parents and all caregivers
of children about common hazards in the home that are often overlooked in today’s busy world.

For Parents

Most families having their first child cannot afford a professional child proofing service. The design of the Child Proof Advice program addresses that issue with a special uniqueness.

Child Proof Advice offers a Do-It-Yourself approach to child safety allowing parents of all economic circumstances to do as much as they choose in providing safety for their children. Your question is not will your child find hazards in the home, but when…

Select the Child Proof Advice Safety Guide E-Book from our Safety Products page to begin. Use the Room by Room Checklist to provide safety in every room of your home. Continue learning by selecting the parent training safety product to view the Injoy Health Educators child proofing video.

As with any child protection service, the offerings of Child Proof Advice are intended as a supplement to close adult supervision. The knowledge of Child Proof Advice was derived from the evaluation of products, educational materials and prevention programs with professional input from health care practitioners and experts in child safety.

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Volunteering is said to be the “secret ingredient” to staying healthy and fulfilled. A recent study found that volunteering even one day a week significantly increases longevity and helps maintain functional independence. Not to mention creating healthy and vibrant communities and organizations.

“You make a living by what you get; you make a life by what you give.”

Winston Churchill

British World Leader

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