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Category Archives: Blog
Hello Friends of Child Proof Advice September is Baby Safety Month, sponsored annually by the Juvenile Products Manufacturers Association ( Please see the attached flyer about our fundraiser to help protect children by supporting first-time parents and this national cause with help from Autobell car wash services. We are pre-selling full-service car wash gift cards ($20.00) for your local Autobell (no expiration). […]
Here’s a great suggestion! With a new baby at home, especially if you have a cat or dog, it’s very important to protect an infant from your family pets. Dogs have been known to pick babies up from their crib carrying them outside to play with as if they were a toy. Cats, smelling the milk around […]
New and First Time Mothers are engulfed with uncertainty, a major life change, constant cleaning and feeding chores…all of which are overwhelming. Thinking about child proofing a home during this critical time is one of the last things on your mind. However, it is a most important consideration for a new baby. Adults need about 6 months […]
As an early childhood educator for 30+ years, a mother of three adult children, and with a two-year old granddaughter, I highly recommend this useful and practical resource for anyone who has a young child in their life. My philosophy, both personally and professionally has been that life is our greatest teacher. One might ask, […]
It’s still poison prevention month, provided below is a home safety checklist to assure that potentially harmful substances are not accessible by young children. Home Safety Checklist Use this checklist to make sure the poisons listed are stored in locked cabinets, out of the reach and sight of children and pets. Call the Poison Control […]
Keep the phone number of the Poison Control Center (PCC) on or near your phones. If you think someone has been poisoned, call the PCC right away at:1-800-222-1222. Never wait for the person to look or feel sick! Child Safety Caps are not child proof! Some children can open these caps. This is why it is […]
· Before you use a poison, read the label on the bottle. · While you are using a poison, never leave it out where a child may get to it. · After you use a poison, put it back in a locked cabinet. Make sure the bottle is closed tightly. · Never call medicine “candy.” […]
A poison is anything that can make you sick, hurt you, or even kill you if it gets into your body through your mouth, nose, eyes, or skin. Poisons found in and around the home include: cleaning products, laundry products, garden and lawn care products, auto fluids and cosmetics. These poisons often come in bright […]
The National Safety Council indicates over 300,000 door injury incidents happen every year in the U.S. These are injuries requiring emergency room or urgent care visits and most are happening to toddlers more than to any other age group. Sometimes the injuries happen in early learning environments, but many times they happen in the home. […]